
Located in Featherstone, 120km outside the country’s capital Harare, Zvikomborero Farms, started as a beef and grain production, but later diversified to cattle rearing (including goats), tobacco farming, poultry, horticulture, and selling eggs when Dr Divine bought it.

Over time Zvikomborero Farms has grown to directly employ 29 people with many of their employees being women. The agribusiness enterprise has become a centre of farming excellence importing skills and knowledge to many aspiring goat farmers in Zimbabwe and using existing technologies, such as WhatsApp, to train women farmers on effective livestock production methods for a wider reach.

Dr Divine attributes both hers, and her company’s success to hard work, resilience and support from AECF, who recognised that the business was positively impacting the livestock value chain and supported the business in scaling operations, introducing the pure breed drought-resistant cattle and the pure breeds of the Tuli, Mashona cattle, Boer and Matabele goats.

“AECF funding was a game-changer, we would not have been able to breed at the level we are at now. We needed foreign currency to secure imported goats from South Africa and Namibia because in Zimbabwe there weren’t any of those breed” – Dr Divine Ndhlukula, Owner Zvikomborero Farms