Appel à manifestation d’intérêt: Experts en financement pour la lutte contre le changement climatique, en propositions de projets susceptibles d’être financé – avril 2024s et en développement du marché du carbone

L’AECF, une organisation de développement de premier plan basée en Afrique, s’engage à soutenir les petites entreprises innovantes et en croissance dans les secteurs de l’agroalimentaire et des énergies renouvelables, ainsi que dans des domaines transversaux. En mettant l’accent sur la réduction de la vulnérabilité climatique, de l’exposition aux risques climatiques physiques et transitoires et de la pauvreté rurale, l’AECF s’efforce de soutenir des communautés et des investissements résilientes au climat, tout en favorisant des économies durables, intelligentes et respectueuses de l’environnement. Avec plus de 400 millions de dollars levés à ce jour, l’AECF offre un financement précieux aux entreprises de 26 pays d’Afrique subsaharienne, en ciblant particulièrement les entreprises qui éprouvent des difficultés à satisfaire aux normes traditionnelles de risque et de rendement pour les investisseurs commerciaux et les banques.


En accord avec ses objectifs et sa stratégie de financement de la lutte contre le changement climatique, l’AECF apporte son soutien aux PME à travers diverses initiatives, couvrant la distribution de systèmes solaires domestiques, de systèmes solaires hors réseau, de véhicules électriques, de systèmes de biogaz hors réseau, de fourneaux de cuisine propres, de technologies et de services agro-industriels, de financements pour l’adaptation au changement climatique et de mesures d’atténuation, ainsi que d’instruments de financement innovants et de subventions. Pour accroître son impact et lutter contre les disparités entre les sexes de manière globale, l’AECF intègre de manière transparente l’investissement dans la perspective du genre dans ses stratégies et ses opérations, en l’étendant à des domaines tels que l’économie bleue, la biodiversité, le capital naturel et les solutions basées sur la nature (NBS).


À la lumière des interventions susmentionnées et de la demande croissante, l’AECF étend son partenariat avec les entités de mise en œuvre (IE), les entités d’exécution (EE) et les agences nationales désignées (NDA) pour accéder au financement de la lutte contre le changement climatique du Fonds vert pour le climat (GCF), du Fonds d’adaptation et du Fonds pour l’environnement mondial (GEF). La recherche active de partenariats avec ces entités et d’autres partenaires multilatéraux et de développement permet à l’AECF d’exploiter efficacement ses ressources et son expertise pour relever les défis du changement climatique, tout en renforçant son engagement à s’aligner sur les objectifs de la CCNUCC et de ses parties en vue d’un bilan net zéro et d’une société résiliente.


De plus amples informations sur l’AECF sont disponibles à l’adresse suivante


L’appel à manifestation d’intérêt (EOI) vise à constituer un groupe d’experts spécialisés en financement pour la lutte contre le changement climatique, l’élaboration de propositions de projets susceptibles d’être financés et en développement du marché du carbone et la production de rapports sur le développement durable. Ces experts fourniront une assistance technique à l’AECF et à ses bénéficiaires, subventions et partenaires à la recherche de financements pour la lutte contre le changement climatique, en contribuant à la création de propositions de projets viables dans les domaines de l’atténuation et de l’adaptation, y compris les domaines transversaux, en explorant les opportunités sur les marchés du carbone et en soutenant les efforts en matière de production de rapports sur le développement durable. Leur expertise sera déterminante pour faire avancer le développement de projets et d’initiatives résilients au climat tout en assurant la transparence et la prise de responsabilité dans les pratiques de durabilité.


Intitulé de la mission

Les experts en financement pour la lutte contre le changement climatique, qu’il s’agisse de particuliers, d’entreprises ou de centres de recherche, sont invités à soumettre une manifestation d’intérêt (EOI) détaillant leurs domaines d’expertise. Nous invitons les spécialistes des divers aspects du financement pour la lutte contre le changement climatique à nous soumettre leurs propositions, qu’il s’agisse du développement de projets et de propositions susceptibles d’être financées, de stratégies de marché du carbone ou de rapports sur le développement durable. Vos idées et vos capacités sont indispensables pour faire avancer les initiatives en matière de résilience climatique et de durabilité.

Catégories de services :


  • Domaine du marché du carbone : Fournir une assistance technique en matière de développement et de gestion de projets de compensation carbone, de mécanismes de tarification du carbone et d’analyse des politiques, d’échange de droits d’émission de carbone et d’analyse du marché, de mesure de l’empreinte carbone et de stratégies de réduction, de validation, de vérification et de certification des crédits carbone, de finance carbone et de services consultatifs en matière d’investissement, d’études de marché, de défense des politiques et de renforcement des capacités.
  • Agriculture et sécurité alimentaire : Fournir une assistance technique pour l’élaboration et la mise en œuvre de projets d’investissement dans l’agriculture et la sécurité alimentaire à faibles émissions et résilients au climat, y compris des filières à faibles émissions et résilientes au climat, la gestion de l’eau et l’irrigation pour l’agriculture, des paysages agricoles résilients et l’agroforesterie, l’adaptation communautaire, des informations climatiques adaptées aux petits exploitants agricoles, le renforcement des capacités, le changement institutionnel et politique. D’autres domaines de la culture, de l’élevage, de l’aquaculture et de la pêche, ainsi que les outils d’intégration des risques climatiques et de l’égalité des sexes seront essentiels en même temps que l’intégration des outils pour gérer les risques climatiques et promouvoir l’égalité des sexes.
  • Sécurité et gestion de l’eau : fournir une assistance technique pour l’élaboration et la mise en œuvre de projets de gestion des ressources en eau à faibles émissions et résilients au changement climatique dans les pays en développement, notamment des projets d’approvisionnement en eau et d’assainissement, de lutte contre les inondations et de gestion de la sécheresse.
  • Santé : Fournir une assistance technique pour l’élaboration de projets de systèmes et de services de santé résilients en intégrant vos connaissances sur le changement climatique dans les déterminants sociaux et environnementaux de la santé et du bien-être.
  • Écosystèmes et services écosystémiques : Fournir une assistance technique dans le développement et/ou la mise en œuvre d’investissements et d’interventions dans le domaine des écosystèmes et des services écosystémiques en utilisant votre connaissance des solutions basées sur la nature (NBS), de la biodiversité et des services écosystémiques, et structurer des projets de financement autour des écosystèmes côtiers (zones humides, mangroves), des tourbières, des récifs coralliens, de la gestion côtière, de la gestion de la conservation, de la gestion du carbone bleu, de la gestion durable des pêcheries, de l’évaluation des écosystèmes et des processus connexes.
  • Production d’énergie et accès à l’énergie: fournir une assistance technique pour l’élaboration et la mise en œuvre de projets et d’investissements dans le domaine des énergies renouvelables à faible taux d’émission et résilients au changement climatique. Dans les secteurs public et privé de la filière énergétique.
  • Efficacité énergétique : Fournir une assistance technique pour l’élaboration, le montage et la mise en place de projets d’efficacité énergétique et d’investissement en vue de leur financement en utilisant votre connaissance de la transformation industrielle ainsi que des appareils et équipements efficaces en se concentrant sur le refroidissement efficace, les systèmes de moteur efficaces.
  • Transport à faibles émissions : Fournir une assistance technique dans le montage, la souscription, l’investissement et la mise en œuvre de projets de transport à faibles émissions et résilients au changement climatique en utilisant votre connaissance de la planification de la mobilité au niveau national et municipal et des technologies de transport telles que les systèmes de recharge des véhicules électriques et des piles à combustible.
  • Forêt et utilisation des sols : Fournir une assistance technique pour l’élaboration et la mise en œuvre d’investissements, de projets et de programmes à faibles émissions et résilients au changement climatique dans les paysages forestiers des pays en développement. Il s’agit notamment des filières forestières, de la gestion durable des forêts, de REDD+, de la restauration et de la conservation des forêts, des mécanismes financiers (instruments de subvention et autres) pour les paysages forestiers durables, de la comptabilité du carbone forestier, des chaînes d’approvisionnement en produits de base exempts de déforestation.
  • Évaluations et analyses de genre dans tous les projets relatifs au changement climatique :Mettre en œuvre des évaluations et des analyses complètes de l’égalité des sexes dans tous les projets relatifs au changement climatique afin de garantir une intégration efficace des considérations de genre et d’incorporer des stratégies et des actions tenant compte de l’égalité des sexes dans les activités des projets afin de promouvoir l’égalité des sexes et l’autonomisation des femmes.


  • Montage des transactions, financement innovant du climat et instruments du marché des capitaux Fournir une assistance technique pour les instruments innovants de financement pour la lutte contre le changement climatique tels que les obligations bleues, les obligations vertes, les échanges dette-nature et les investissements en obligations liées au développement durable.
  • Production de rapports sur le développement durable et mesures de résilience : Fournir une assistance technique pour élaborer des cadres d’information et des mesures solides afin de mesurer avec précision les progrès réalisés dans le renforcement de la résilience aux effets du changement climatique tout en réduisant efficacement les émissions.
  • Financement numérique pour la lutte contre le changement climatique et technologie blockchain : Fournir une assistance technique en matière de solutions numériques innovantes et de technologie blockchain pour améliorer les mécanismes de financement pour la lutte contre le changement climatique afin de maximiser l’impact des initiatives liées au climat.
  • Systèmes MRV (suivi, production de rapports et vérification) : Fournir une assistance technique pour la conception, la formation et la mise en œuvre d’un système MRV pour l’AECF afin d’assurer efficacement la prise de responsabilité, le suivi et la communication des résultats dans tous ses programmes de financement de la lutte contre le changement climatique.
  • Formation aux outils d’analyse des risques climatiques: Fournir une assistance technique pour la formation des autorités nationales de développement et des entités d’exécution, ainsi que des services de conseil aux banques et aux institutions de microfinance, y compris dans les domaines d’appui à la mise en œuvre des plans d’action nationaux pour l’adaptation au changement climatique (NAPAS), des plans d’action nationaux pour l’adaptation au changement climatique (NAPS) et des conventions nationales de développement révisées.
  • Matériel de marketing et brochures : Créer et distribuer du matériel de marketing et de marque, y compris des plateformes de médias sociaux sur les idées innovantes de financement climatique pour accroître la visibilité de l’AECF dans l’espace climatique et, en fin de compte, accroître la sensibilisation et l’impact des projets de financement de la lutte contre le changement climatique.


Domaines d’expertise et de compétences :

Marchés du carbone :

  • Connaissance des mécanismes de tarification du carbone et des plateformes d’échange, compétences en matière d’identification, de validation et de vérification de projets, compréhension des politiques et réglementations relatives au changement climatique, maîtrise de la mesure et de la déclaration des émissions, capacité à effectuer une analyse coûts-avantages et une évaluation des risques, compétences en matière de planification et de mise en œuvre, expérience en matière d’engagement avec diverses parties prenantes, solides compétences en matière de communication et de plaidoyer, connaissance des technologies émergentes dans le domaine de la finance carbone et compréhension des principes de durabilité en matière de sauvegardes environnementales et sociales.

Gestion des projets susceptibles d’être financés et relatifs aux changements climatiques


  • Élaborer, examiner et/ou évaluer des propositions de projets/programmes d’atténuation ou d’adaptation au changement climatique, et mettre en œuvre des projets/programmes de lutte contre le changement climatique dans les pays en développement de différentes régions.
  • Élaborer, mettre en œuvre et examiner des projets/programmes de lutte contre le changement climatique dans au moins deux secteurs parmi les domaines de résultats du GCF/GEF/AF, et pour des projets de taille variable.
  • Mise en œuvre et supervision des sauvegardes et politiques environnementales et sociales, y compris les politiques d’égalité des sexes.
  • Conception et mise en œuvre de cadres de gestion des résultats pour le suivi et l’évaluation des projets et des programmes, y compris les termes de référence pour les différentes voies.
  • Analyse des risques des projets/programmes, en particulier pour la gestion des risques financiers et opérationnels et la modélisation financière.
  • Compréhension approfondie de l’évaluation de l’impact de l’atténuation du changement climatique, y compris la comptabilité carbone, ou des projets/programmes d’adaptation.
  • Une connaissance approfondie de l’analyse financière et économique au niveau d’un projet ou d’un programme.
  • Une connaissance approfondie des politiques et des procédures de la Convention-cadre des Nations unies sur les changements climatiques et le suivi des communications du Groupe d’experts intergouvernemental sur l’évolution du climat et d’autres processus pertinents sont souhaitables.
  • Connaissance approfondie de la conception et de la mise en œuvre de projets/programmes d’information sur la lutte contre le changement climatique, d’alerte précoce/d’action précoce et de réduction des risques de catastrophes au sens large.
  • Maîtrise de l’élaboration et de la mise en œuvre de cadres d’information solides, notamment en ce qui concerne les émissions de gaz à effet de serre, l’évaluation des risques climatiques et la communication d’informations sur le développement durable.
  • Expertise dans l’identification, la conception et la mise en œuvre de projets, ainsi que dans le processus de demande de financement du GCF.
  • Maîtrise de l’élaboration et de la mise en œuvre de cadres de rapports ESG et de rapports sur le genre, y compris l’évaluation de l’impact des projets, la garantie de l’égalité entre les sexes et la promotion de l’inclusion sociale.

Instruments et projets financiers innovants :

  • Maîtrise de l’élaboration de modèles financiers complexes pour évaluer la faisabilité et l’impact des instruments de financement de la lutte contre le changement climatique. Les exemples incluent les obligations vertes, les obligations bleues et les échanges dette-nature, les garanties et les outils d’atténuation des risques.
  • Capacité à identifier et à évaluer les risques financiers, techniques et environnementaux associés aux initiatives de financement de la lutte contre le changement climatique.
  • Une meilleure compréhension des politiques vertes, des réglementations et des incitations liées au changement climatique afin de concevoir des instruments de financement qui s’alignent sur les objectifs nationaux et internationaux en matière de climat.
  • Une compréhension plus approfondie des dynamiques et des évolutions du marché afin d’identifier les possibilités de solutions de financement innovantes.
  • Compréhension des technologies et des solutions climatiques pour concevoir des instruments de financement qui soutiennent le déploiement des énergies renouvelables, de l’efficacité énergétique et d’autres mesures d’atténuation et d’adaptation au climat.
  • Connaissance des cadres juridiques et des exigences réglementaires afin de s’assurer que les instruments de financement sont conformes aux lois et réglementations en vigueur.
  • Capacité à s’engager avec diverses parties prenantes, y compris des agences gouvernementales, des institutions financières, des entités du secteur privé et des organisations de la société civile, afin d’obtenir un consensus et un soutien pour des mécanismes de financement innovants.
  • Fournir des services de conseil aux banques, aux institutions de microfinance (IMF) et aux PME en ce qui concerne les risques climatiques et de l’inclusion, l’intégration et la transformation du genre.
  • Organiser des ateliers ou des activités de réflexion sur la conception, de création de sens et de connaissances collaboratives pour générer des produits de connaissance à partir des fonds carbone et des programmes de lutte contre le changement climatique de l’AECF.
  • Maîtrise de l’exploitation des solutions numériques pour améliorer les mécanismes de financement de la lutte contre le changement climatique, y compris la technologie blockchain, les plateformes numériques et les innovations fintech.
  • Élaborer des classifications vertes exhaustives pour classer les investissements respectueux du climat, concevoir des stratégies efficaces de financement de la lutte contre le changement climatique et esquisser des théories du changement pour guider les interventions de financement de la lutte contre le changement climatique ayant un impact.


Pays d’expérience :

  • Afrique sub-saharienne


Compétences attendues :

  • Les candidats doivent faire preuve d’une capacité et d’une expertise techniques reconnues, étayées par une expérience professionnelle pertinente d’au moins sept ans dans un environnement international, dans au moins l’une des spécialités techniques suivantes :
  1. Expérience de travail dans les pays en développement d’Afrique, en particulier en Afrique subsaharienne.
  2. Expertise dans l’élaboration de projets du secteur privé, d’instruments, de mise en œuvre et d’examen de projets/programmes climatiques dans au moins deux secteurs parmi les domaines de résultats du GCF/GEF/AF, et pour des projets de taille variable.
  3. Expérience de travail avec des entités internationales, régionales et nationales et avec différents instruments financiers, notamment des subventions, des prêts, des fonds propres et des garanties.
  4. Une solide formation dans des domaines tels que les sciences de l’environnement, le développement durable, le changement climatique, l’économie, l’ingénierie ou les affaires, avec un accent sur les principes de l’économie circulaire. Des diplômes d’études supérieures (master ou doctorat) dans des disciplines pertinentes sont souhaités.

De manière plus générale, les particuliers/entreprises de recherche intéressées par le rôle d’expert international doivent présenter les qualifications suivantes :

  1. Vaste expérience opérationnelle dans certains des domaines de résultats du Fonds AECF, des fonds de la CCNUCC et des organismes multilatéraux ; Réduction des émissions provenant de ; Accès à l’énergie et production d’électricité ; Transport à faibles émissions ; Forêts et utilisation des terres ; Augmentation de la résilience des moyens de subsistance des personnes, des communautés et des régions – Santé et bien-être, et sécurité alimentaire et hydrique ; Écosystèmes et services écosystémiques.
  • Expérience professionnelle dans le financement, le développement et la mise en œuvre de projets du secteur public et/ou privé dans les pays en développement.
  • Connaissance pratique du cycle de gestion des projets, y compris la création, la mise en œuvre et la supervision des activités.
  • Une connaissance approfondie des politiques et des procédures de la Convention-cadre des Nations unies sur les changements climatiques et une bonne connaissance des communications du GIEC, des Contributions déterminées au niveau national (CDN) révisées, des PANA et des PAN, ainsi que d’autres processus pertinents, sont souhaitables.
  • Solides compétences techniques, analytiques, de rédaction de rapports et de recherche (Quant + Qual) liées au changement climatique ; ainsi qu’une expertise sectorielle dans l’un des secteurs suivants : L’énergie renouvelable, l’agro-industrie, l’économie bleue, l’autonomie des femmes, l’engagement des jeunes, le handicap et l’intersectionnalité des femmes.
  • Expérience avérée dans des fonctions liées aux initiatives d’économie circulaire, telles que le développement d’entreprises durables, la gestion des déchets, l’efficacité des ressources ou la gestion du cycle de vie des produits. Une expérience dans les secteurs public et privé, ainsi qu’auprès d’ONG ou d’organisations internationales, peut s’avérer précieuse.
  • Aptitude à saisir et à incorporer la dimension de genre dans les programmes et les approches d’intervention dans des écosystèmes complexes et fragiles.
  • De solides connaissances et compétences en matière de finance durable, d’investissement d’impact et de mécanismes de financement innovants sont souhaitables.
  • Maîtrise de l’anglais ; la connaissance du français est un atout.

Informations liées à votre candidature

L’AECF est un employeur qui prône l’égalité des chances. L’AECF évalue tous les candidats intéressés en fonction de leur mérite, sans considérer la race, le sexe, la couleur de peau, l’origine nationale, la religion, l’orientation sexuelle, l’âge, l’état civil, le statut de vétéran, le handicap ou toute autre caractéristique protégée par la législation en vigueur.


  • Les candidats intéressés sont priés de soumettre leur CV s’il s’agit d’un particulier, avec des domaines clairs d’expertise en financement de la lutte contre le changement climatique ; ou le profil de leur entreprise et un court tableau de référence s’il s’agit d’une entreprise ; leurs coordonnées complètes, leur disponibilité, avant le 24 Mai 2024 à l’adresse suivante AVANT 17 HEURES (Heure Afrique de l’Est).
  • Pour toute question, veuillez contacter l’adresse électronique du service des marchés avant le 9 Mai 2024.
  • L’objet du courriel doit être Appel à manifestation d’intérêt pour Experts en financement de la lutte contre le changement climatique, en propositions de projets susceptibles d’être financés et en développement du marché du carbone
  • L ‘AECF n’est pas responsable de la non-ouverture des propositions soumises avec un objet différent ou de la réponse aux questions qui n’ont pas respecté le délai indiqué.

Clause de non-responsabilité

L’AECF se réserve le droit de déterminer la structure du processus, le nombre de participants retenus, le droit de se retirer du processus de proposition, le droit de modifier ce calendrier à tout moment sans préavis et se réserve le droit de retirer cet appel d’offres à tout moment, sans préavis et sans obligation de dédommagement et/ou de remboursement à l’égard de toute partie.


NB : L’AECF ne demande pas de frais de candidature pour participer à la procédure d’appel d’offres et n’a pas désigné d’agents ou d’intermédiaires pour faciliter les candidatures. Il est conseillé aux candidats de s’adresser directement au SERVICE DES MARCHES de l’AECF. 






Request For Proposal:Terms Of Reference Technical Assistance Services Provider Sudan SME Catalyser – April 2024

  1. About AECF

AECF (Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund) is a leading non-profit development organization that supports innovative enterprises in the agribusiness and renewable energy sectors with the aim of reducing rural poverty, promoting resilient communities, and creating jobs.

We catalyze the private sector by surfacing and commercializing new ideas, business models and technologies designed to increase agricultural productivity, improve farmer incomes, expand clean energy access, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and improve resilience to the effects of climate change. We finance high-risk businesses that struggle to access commercial funding; we are committed to working in frontier markets, fragile contexts, and high-risk economies where few mainstream financing institutions dare to go.

To date, we have supported over 400 businesses in 26 countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, impacted more than 30 million lives, created over 27,000 direct jobs, and leveraged US $771 million in matching funds.


  1. Background Information

Program Title:           Sudan Catalyzer

Duration:                   18 months for Phase I

Sectors:                     Agriculture, Agribusiness, Renewable Energy, Digital Technology, and IT

Funding Partner:      KfW


With an area of approximately 1.9 million square kilometers, Sudan is the third-largest country in Africa and home to a rapidly increasing population of 41 million. Demographic changes are characterized by rapid urbanization, with more than a third of the population now living in urban areas. Rural-urban migration is being driven in part by conflict, drought, and desertification, as well as by the search for better economic opportunities and access to basic services.  The current conflict is leading to significant internal and external forced displacement.

The economic and financial sanctions previously imposed on Sudan held back the emergence of the private sector through restrictions on trade and financial transactions. Additionally, these sanctions have constrained the economic activity of enterprises by limiting their access to international markets.

In April 2023, the country was plunged into violence between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) militia that was in the process of being absorbed into a unified military. This has led to extensive, but so far regionally localized, destruction of economic and social infrastructure along with forced migration, human rights abuses and economic collapse. Many SMEs have been cut off from markets and access to finance and have seen key staff leave and assets destroyed.  Of those that remain, many have had to relocate from their original locations to establish new operations in safer parts of the country.  Both companies that are relocating and existing companies require access to finance and advisory support to assist them in re-tooling their business systems, markets, and suppliers to the new realities that they face.

Even prior to this outbreak of violence, much of the optimism of the peaceful 2018 revolution has been rolled back with the return of military rule in October 2021.  The power structures of the former regime have largely returned, with the security structures dominating the business sector. As a response to this, most donors and other international partners have substantially reduced or ceased their engagement with the country, leading to external assistance being cut off and significant impediments to trade and other external engagements with the country. Despite these challenges, some segments of the private sector manage to navigate the highly politicized ecosystem without being completely subverted into the patronage networks of the ruling military elite. Any support to the private sector must, however, take into careful consideration the reality that even if the government is not directly involved there is the risk of manipulation by the existing power structures.

The removal of Sudan from the US list of state sponsors of terrorism and the normalization of the ties with the international community raised hoped of an economic resurgence that has largely been dashed by the military takeover of the civilian administration in late 2021. Most international donor partners and private investors remain unwilling to engage with the current political leadership and invest in the country. This means that the private sector and SMEs in Sudan operate within a challenging macro and micro economic environment. At the macro level, regulations of doing business continue to constrain the private sector with Sudan’s ranking in the 2020 World Bank Doing Business report being one of the lowest, 171 out of 190 economies. This is additionally complicated by a highly nepotistic business landscape where well-connected individuals and entities connected to the state dominate key sectors; a largely non-functional public administration; and collapsing economic environment of hyperinflation and currency devaluation. At the micro level, companies that are not well-connected struggle to raise formal finance, exposure to international markets and best practices is limited and staff capacity is low. Modern advisory services to address these weaknesses remain nascent.


Investing in SMEs as a short- and longer-term solution to economic development in Sudan

Despite the challenges that Sudan is experiencing in private sector development, the country presents numerous investment opportunities and there is a growing entrepreneurial perspective particularly with the youth[1]. The government of Sudan was a pioneer in the field of microfinance and banking sector legislation directs banks to provide short term funding for start-ups and early-stage enterprises. In addition, new business incubators and innovation labs have sprung up responding to a much-needed demand to solve some of Sudan’s biggest problems by connecting the country’s local talent to the global entrepreneurship community. Thus, there are opportunities for Sudanese entrepreneurs and startups in different stages to learn and attract investment. Several donors (UNDP, AfDB, UNIDO, World Bank, as well as bilateral assistance from UK, Germany, The Netherlands and others) have and/or are investing in public-private sector partnerships in the country, including supporting programmes targeted at micro-entrepreneurs and working to create a more enabling policy and operating environment for the private sector and particularly SMEs. This includes a joint initiative between UNIDO-ITPO and IFC on the development of an SME law, national SME strategy and an SME investment fund; the establishment of an Enterprise Development Committee by UNIDO and Accelerator Labs by UNDP, GIZ and the Qatar Fund. A survey conducted by UNDP in July 2019 found that youth employment and partnering with the private sector were among the key priorities for the development of the country.


Many of these initiatives have ceased or been scaled back with the return of the military regime and the return to open conflict in 2023, leaving SMEs at all levels with very limited access to finance and constrained abilities to source the kind of advisory support necessary to build a thriving modern economy.  Given the importance of SMEs in the private sector to bring modern technological and business innovations to a society that has been closed for a generation, it is essential that those companies with the potential to scale and which are not connected to the military regime are supported.

The Sudanese private sector landscape can be split into four broad categories:

Survival or traditional micro enterprises providing subsistence style existence for their owners. These businesses are often formed from traders moving to simple manufacturing using outdated technologies to produce low quality outputs for local markets.  Despite being the largest proportion of SMEs in the country, they are self-financed and operate largely independently of the regulatory structures.  They have little capacity and willingness to expand and would be unable and unwilling to take on external concessional capital from the Sudan SME Catalyzer.

Independent SMEs driven by the middle class and operating emergent, professional enterprises that are unconnected to the ruling elite and face unfair competition from other businesses that are able to exploit these connections. They have solid education and business acumen but still lack access to the structures of a functioning market economy, such as formal finance.  This group represents a key target for the Sudan SME Catalyser, particularly in the smaller ticket sizes.

Family conglomerates of well-established multi-generational private enterprises that have found ways of operating in the complex political environment yet managing to maintain largely free of its most pervasive effects.  These businesses have large and diverse business structures and have family-based management with international exposure and access to capital and are most likely to be developing innovative business ideas.  They have the potential to take on larger sized tickets and are more likely to be able to provide matching funds, but care must be taken to ensure that they are operating independently of the regime.

Politically connected companies represent most of the largest private and state-owned enterprises and parastatals in the country.  They are completely controlled by the political and military elite who use public resources to generate advantages in many aspects of business, from using public assets for private gain to accessing scarce resources and navigating the political and administrative landscape. These companies are more active in key sectors of the economy that the Sudan SME Catalyser is deliberately avoiding but are also present in the key sector of agriculture.  They will be explicitly avoided in the selection process through robust due diligence.

 Challenges facing SMEs.

SMEs in Sudan face a broad range of challenges that can be summarized around:

  • Business Environment caused principally by the underdeveloped enabling environment including poor physical infrastructure, lack of market assessment and market infrastructure, high operating costs and unequal business access;
  • Legislation, where the regulatory framework does not yet sufficiently support the private sector and there is a lack of institutional structures to support SMEs and their role in the economy.
  • Access to Finance in an environment of hyperinflation and rapid devaluation of the Sudanese Pound (SDG) against major currencies and with an emphasis on capex through Islamic finance, leading to high cost of capital and limited understanding of where capital can be sourced from.
  • Capacity Building due to generational underinvestment in education and lack of exposure to international standards and good practice in business.

All these challenges have been exacerbated by the ongoing conflict with most if not all centrally located structures in Khartoum destroyed and only limited functionality in other parts of the country.

In response to KfW’s intention to engage in private sector development in Sudan to create employment and increase incomes and the availability of goods and services in inclusive business models, AECF will implement a two-pronged approach:

  1. Recognizing the limitations in available microfinance and the distinct challenges facing SMEs without connections to the ruling elite, AECF will provide appropriate financing through the design of a context-specific Challenge Fund model – the Sudan SME Catalyser – in areas of Sudan not currently directly affected by conflict for non-repayable catalytic investment grants appropriately structured for the challenges currently facing SMEs in Sudan. This will enable dynamic businesses to bring in new technologies and services, scale existing businesses, or relocate enterprises from areas affected by fighting that will enable new sectors to develop, create employment and promote more inclusive business models.
  2. Given the limited experience and capacity of SMEs to apply for and implement grant-based financing as well as adopt modern business practices and processes, AECF will provide advisory services to the SMEs that it supports. This will build the capacity of SMEs to effectively apply for and implement the financial assistance offered by the programme as well as help funded companies overcome operational and business challenges.

The Sudan SME Catalyser will be funding enterprises in two cohorts – smaller, newer businesses that are more likely to be owned by young people or women and which have a product in the market, 3-10 employees and turnover of up to €100,000; and larger, more established enterprises with 10-50 employees and turnover of up to €1m.

Key stakeholders

MFIs and banks – Although the main actors in the banking sector based in Khartoum are no longer functioning, others are operating with for example, Bank of Khartoum re-established in Port Sudan. The situation on financial transfers remains fluid and uncertain, with alternative financial structures being developed to facilitate bringing money into the country. Where possible, AECF will collaborate with a local banking partner to facilitate transactions and due diligence of grantees but will also engage with other structures as necessary.

Incubators and BDS providers – through this tender and others, AECF will engage with local BDS providers that retain capacity and operational presence in the country after the start of hostilities in April 2023. They will also provide hosting arrangements that will facilitate recruitment of AECF staff in Sudan, support delivery of some components of the programme, provide access to the SME marketplace, provide training and enable AECF to have a visible presence in the country without formally registering or without putting headquarters staff into the country. Given the shorter duration of the emergency financing window, implementation of some tasks related to competition and investment management as well as the provision of business advisory services (the latter the subject of this tender) will also be undertaken together with locally recruited partners.

National and regulatory authorities – AECF will operate at arm’s length from the national and regulatory authorities.  The lack of diplomatic missions and general inaccessibility of Khartoum should limit the level of engagement needed with state structures.

Industry representative bodies – AECF will operate at arm’s length from industry representative bodies which are likely to be compromised by some form of engagement with the state and the current military regime. It is also important to maintain the perception of independence from formal governance structures in the country.

Diplomatic structures and donors – AECF will rely on key diplomatic missions when they begin to become available to both provide credentials to the institution in its operations in Sudan but also as a conduit for engaging with government on regulatory issues that may be affecting grantees. These organizations also represent technical implementing partners and could well be interested in also engaging in the fund with their own capital. Seeking to leverage the KfW financing with other donors is an important early priority for AECF.

  1. Program Approach

AECF will deliver an integrated financing solution for enterprises and business models that have the potential to catalyse job creation and the provision of improved products and services to low-income households in Sudan. In this section, we outline the delivery model for this Challenge Fund including:

      Type and structure of investment finance offered.

–      The competition approach and the process to select and on-board grantees.

–      Technical assistance at pre-competition, pre-investment and post investment points.

–      Performance management, including risk mitigation and inclusion.


Financing of SMES through the design of a context-specific Challenge Fund model for catalytic investment grants.

The AECF’s main delivery model, the Challenge Fund, identifies market failures within a given context and engages the private sector to provide market-based development opportunities for underserved communities. AECF will select and invest in Small and Growing Businesses that do not have privileged access to financing and will bring a high potential to provide innovative solutions aimed at addressing the challenges to the ongoing emergency, sector growth and contributing to improving lives through job creation, increased incomes and increased access to products and services. The emergency financing facility will last for an initial 18 months and will therefore utilize relatively small ticket sizes to allow for effective absorption.

Given the need to rapidly mobilise funding and minimize administrative demands, AECF will offer only non-repayable grants for this initial phase with an intention to establish the systems and structures to be able to offer repayable grants in future financing rounds.  Repayable grants offer a greater level of flexibility and reduce the potential to distort markets but require a substantial additional operational infrastructure.

For this component of investment financing, which considers only the first phase of €12.5m, AECF will establish two Funding Windows which will operate through a single competition on a rolling basis as detailed below:

  1. Emergency Working Capital Window (SBW): AECF proposes to use this Funding Window as an emergency financing initiative to support at least 60 small businesses with investment grants of between €50,000-€250,000 (average of €100,000) using a milestone-based funding approach. The objective of these grants will be to provide much needed capital to small businesses who have not been able to access formal sources of capital in the past and incentivize them to relocate, rebuild and scale-up operations to bring private sector benefits to their communities.


  1. Growing Business Window (GBW): This Funding Window will target existing growing businesses that require larger sums of money for investment in new operational capital as well as working capital to scale or re-build existing enterprises with the potential for significant job creation or reshaping key sectors of the economy. The Growing Businesses Window will be a milestone-based financing and will offer at least ten grants ranging between €250,000-€750,000 (average of €400,000) based on the size of the businesses (revenues and employees), their ability to absorb funds, scale of proposed project and validated impact potential.

Below are the desired outputs for the programme (based on the projected initial contribution of €12.5m):

  • At least 60 small businesses and 10 growing businesses funded to scale creating economic opportunities in the priority sectors of agriculture, renewable energy and information technologies.
  • At least 100 applicants from cohort B will be provided with pre-competition assistance to help them construct quality proposals;
  • At least 50 of the 60 small businesses will be provided with post contracting TA from programme staff, AECF Academy or other forms of advisory support available under the programme;
  • All 10 growing businesses are supported with wholesale technical assistance as either a sequential or concurrent advisory support to the AECF Academy;

Surfacing innovative enterprises

The Sudan SME Catalyser will be open to SMEs from targeted areas across Sudan that are free of conflict at the time of the competition launch.  This indicatively includes areas in the East of the country such as Kassala, el Gadarif and Port Sudan that have access, high potential for the target sectors (particularly agriculture) and availability of SMEs, BDS providers and other support structures. The initial competition process will inform AECF of levels of interest in different parts of the country.  This will allow for both the concentration of investments in particular regions for efficient management and the direction of additional support to surface applications from areas that are underrepresented.

  1. Scope of Work

A key area of operational support to AECF’s investees, beyond financing, is capacity building.  The companies that AECF funds are likely to have relocated from other areas of the country and will need significant advisory support in re-establishing operations, re-building production, finding new suppliers and new markets.  Local companies will also have to re-design business models that have relied on exporting raw materials to processing infrastructure in Khartoum that is no longer available.


AECF invites applications from experienced implementing partners in Sudan to collaborate on providing business development advisory services to the companies selected for financing by AECF. This work is separate to, but in support of, the already contracting management support that is being provided to assist AECF with the in-country delivery of the competition and investment management process.


As part of the due diligence process in investee selection, AECF will undertake a detailed training needs analysis of each company.  Those that are approved for investment will be required to enter into an intensive capacity building programme to help them overcome critical challenges in their business operations.  This training will take a mixture of one on one and group training services in a wide range of business sectors, including:

  • Financial and credit management and control systems, including internal audit
  • Human resources management
  • Product Market Fit – Marketing and product development (Business Model) including Go-To-Market Strategies
  • Sales and Marketing Strategies
  • Customer Management Strategies
  • Sourcing of inputs and establishment and management of robust supply and distribution channels including related logistics
  • Inventory and procurement management.
  • Data Management
  • Regulatory, compliance and legal issues
  • Import/export processes and procedures.
  • Management and governance
  • ESG and Gender inclusion


Applicants should make provision for an average of 20 days of one-on-one technical assistance with each of the 70 investees that will be contracted under this element of the programme.  This assistance will be provided at the premises of the recipients. There should also be provision for at least eight group training sessions of one day each, including training facilities.


  1. Duration of the Contract

The service will last 12 months, with the possibility of cost-based extension.


  1. Qualifications and Experience
    • A legally registered entity in Sudan with a minimum of 5 years of experience in the provision of business advisory services to SMEs
    • Able to show that they can recruit and deploy a range of administrative and technical competencies, including financial due diligence, business advisory services, communications & marketing, legal, ESG/Gender/Impact and agricultural, renewable energy and information technology advisors.
    • Able to operate in the target regions of Sudan.
    • At least 5 years of experience in working with donor funded economic development, agriculture/rural development programmes funded by donors.
    • Comprehensive understanding of the local political and operating environment, including appreciation of practical and pragmatic operational processes in the current unstable conditions
    • Flexible and able to react quickly to a rapidly changing environment.
    • The team leader should have at least 10 years’ experience in advising SMEs on business development, administration, financial systems etc, including managing teams of experts. They should have at least a first degree.
    • Business development advisors should have at least 3 years’ experience providing financial and administrative support to SMEs and should have a degree in accounting, finance, economics, business or similar.


  1. Evaluation Criteria

The consultant(s) or firm will be evaluated based on the below preferential point system scoring. An evaluation committee will be formed by the AECF and shall include employees. All members will be bound by the same standards of confidentiality. The bidders should ensure that they fully respond to all criteria to be comprehensively evaluated. The AECF may request and receive clarification from the bidding firms when evaluating a proposal.


In deciding the final selection of qualified bidder, the technical quality of the proposal will be given a weighting of 70% based on the evaluation criteria. Only the financial proposal of those bidders who qualify technically will be opened. The financial proposal will be allocated a weighting of 30% and the proposals will be ranked in terms of total points scored.


1.       An understanding of the TOR
1.1 Demonstrate understanding of the service 5
1.2 Demonstrate understanding of the current operating environment and challenges 5
2.         Experience  
2.1 Demonstrate understanding of the local SME ecosystem, challenges faced and mechanisms for addressing them 10
2.2 Demonstrate relevant experience of providing similar services to donor partners (minimum 5 years) 10
2.3 Demonstrate the ability to recruit a range of technical competence to support implementation 10
3.       Methodology and work-plan that will deliver the best value on the assignment
3.1 Outline a methodology that illustrates how services will be provided in an effective and efficient manner 10
4.       Qualification
4.1 Qualification and experience of the team that is executing the assignment 20
Clarity, relevance, reality to market value/ value for money of cost of services 30


  1. Proposal submission

Interested and qualified institutions and individuals are invited to submit their proposal(s) including of the following:

  • Registration and other relevant statutory documents with the Sudan government.
  • The financial proposal clearly showing the budget cost for the scope of work (to be submitted in a separate document from the Technical proposal
  • The Financial proposals shall be in EUR and should include all applicable taxes quoted separately.
  • If taxes are not mentioned in the financial proposal, The AECF shall consider that they are included in the prices provided.
  • Technical and Financial proposals will need to be submitted as separate documents. Financial proposals will not be opened until the conclusion of the technical evaluation and then only for those proposals that are deemed qualified and responsive.


  1. Application

The AECF is an Equal Opportunity Employer. The AECF considers all interested candidates based on merit without regard to race, gender, colour, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, age, marital status, veteran status, disability, or any other characteristic protected by applicable law.

  • Interested consultancy firms and individuals are requested to submit their technical and financial proposals to
  • The Subject of the email should read ‘’Terms of Reference Program Implementation Services – Sudan” The AECF shall not be liable for not opening proposals that are submitted with a different subject. Proposals should be submitted by Tuesday 25th June 2024 5.00PM EAT.  Questions and clarifications should be submitted at any time up to 25th May 2024.EAT.
  • All Questions and clarifications should be sent to


AECF reserves the right to determine the structure of the process, the number of short-listed participants, the right to withdraw from the proposal process, the right to change this timetable at any time without notice and reserves the right to withdraw this tender at any time, without prior notice and without liability to compensate and/or reimburse any party. In case you do not hear from us in a month, please consider your application unsuccessful.


The AECF does not charge an application fee for participation in the tendering process and has not appointed any agents or intermediaries to facilitate applications. Applicants are advised to reach out directly to the AECF Procurement Department.




Request for Expression of Interest: Climate Finance, Bankable Project Proposal and Carbon Market Development Experts – April 2024

The AECF, a leading African-based development organization, is committed to supporting innovative small and growing businesses in the agribusiness and renewable energy sectors and cross cutting areas. With a primary focus on reducing climate vulnerability, exposure to physical and transitional climate risks, and rural poverty, the AECF strives to promote climate-resilient communities and investments while fostering sustainable, climate-smart, and green economies. Having raised over US$400 million to date, the AECF provides catalytic funding to enterprises across 26 countries in sub-Saharan Africa, particularly targeting businesses that struggle to meet traditional risk-return standards for commercial investors and banks.

Aligned with its objectives and climate finance strategy, the AECF champions SMEs through diverse initiatives, spanning the distribution of solar home systems, off-grid solar systems, electric vehicles, biogas off-grid systems, clean cook stoves, agribusiness technologies and services, climate change adaptation finance and mitigation measures, as well as innovative financing instruments and grants. To deepen its impact and tackle gender disparities comprehensively, the AECF seamlessly integrates gender lens investing into its strategies and operations, extending into areas such as the blue economy, biodiversity, natural capital, and nature-based solutions (NBS).

In light of the above interventions and increasing demand, AECF is broadening its collaboration with implementing entities (IEs), executing entities (EEs), and National Designated Agencies (NDAs) to access climate finance from the Green Climate Fund (GCF), Adaptation Fund, and Global Environment Facility (GEF). Actively seeking partnerships with these entities and other multilaterals and development partners enables AECF to leverage resources and expertise effectively in addressing climate change challenges, while reinforcing its commitment to align with the goals of the UNFCCC and its parties towards net zero and a resilient society.


The Request for Expression of Interest (EOI) seeks to establish a pool of experts specializing in climate finance, bankable project proposal development, carbon market development, and sustainability reporting. These experts will provide technical assistance to AECF and its investees/grants/partners seeking climate finance, aiding in the creation of viable project proposals in both mitigation and adaptation including cross cutting areas, exploring opportunities in carbon markets, and supporting sustainability reporting efforts. Their expertise will be instrumental in driving forward the development of climate-resilient projects and initiatives while ensuring transparency and accountability in sustainability practices.


Work Assignment

Invitations are extended to climate finance experts, including individuals, firms, or research centers, to submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) detailing their areas of expertise. We welcome submissions from those specializing in various aspects of climate finance, ranging from project development and bankable proposals to carbon market strategies and sustainability reporting. Your insights and capabilities are essential in advancing climate resilience and sustainability efforts.

Service categories:

  • Carbon market domain: Provide technical assistance in carbon offset project development and management, carbon pricing mechanisms and policy analysis, carbon trading and market analysis, carbon footprint measurement and reduction strategies, carbon credit validation, verification and certification, carbon finance and investment advisory services, market research and policy advocacy and capacity building.
  • Agriculture and food security: Provide technical assistance in developing and implementing low-emission and climate-resilient Agriculture and Food Security investments projects including low-emission and climate resilient value chains, water management and irrigation for agriculture, resilient agricultural landscape and agroforestry, community-based adaptation, climate information tailored to small-scale farmers, capacity building, institutional and policy change. Other areas of crop, livestock, aquaculture, and fishery and climate risk and gender mainstreaming tools will be critical alongside the integration of climate risk and gender mainstreaming tools.
  • Water Security and management: provide technical assistance in developing and implementing low-emission and climate-resilient water resources management projects in developing countries, including water supply and sanitation, flood control and drought management projects.
  • Health: Provide technical assistance in developing projects for resilient health systems and services integrating your knowledge of climate change into the social and environmental determinants of health and well-being.
  • Ecosystems and ecosystem services: Provide technical assistance in developing, and/or implementing ecosystem and ecosystem services investments and interventions using your knowledge of nature-based solutions (NBS) biodiversity and ecosystem services and structure projects for funding around coastal ecosystems (wetlands, mangroves), peatlands, coral reefs, coastal management, conservation management blue carbon management, sustainable management of fisheries, ecosystem valuation and related processes.
  • Energy generation and access: provide technical assistance in developing and implementing low-emission and climate-resilient Renewable Energy projects and investments. In both public and private sector in the energy value chain.
  • Energy Efficiency: Provide technical assistance in developing, structuring and implementing energy efficiency projects and investment for financing using your knowledge of industrial processing as well as efficient appliances and equipment focusing on efficient cooling, efficient motor systems.
  • Low emissions transport: Provide technical assistance in project structuring, underwriting, and investment and implementation in low-emission and climate-resilient Transport investments using your knowledge of mobility planning at national and municipal level and transport technologies such as EV and fuel-cell charging systems.
  • Forest and land use: Provide technical assistance in developing and implementing low-emission and climate-resilient investments, projects and programmes in forest landscapes in developing countries. This includes forest value chains, sustainable forest management, REDD+, forest restoration and conservation, financial mechanisms (grant and non-grant instruments) for sustainable forest landscapes, forest carbon accounting, deforestation-free commodities supply chains.
  • Assessments & Gender Analysis in all climate change projects: Implement comprehensive gender assessments, and analyses across all climate change projects to ensure gender considerations are integrated effectively and incorporating gender-responsive strategies and actions into project activities to promote gender equality and women empowerment.
  • Deal structuring, innovative climate financing, and capital market instruments: Provide technical assistance in innovative climate finance instruments such as blue bonds, green bonds, debt-for-nature swaps, and sustainability-linked bonds investments.
  • Sustainability reporting and resilience metrics: Provide technical assistance in developing robust reporting frameworks and metrics that accurately measure progress in building resilience to climate change impacts while effectively mitigating emissions.
  • Digital climate financing and blockchain technology: Provide technical assistance in innovative digital solutions and blockchain technology to enhance climate finance mechanisms to maximize impact in climate related initiatives.
  • MRV (Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification) systems: Provide technical assistance in designing training and implementing MRV system for AECF to effectively ensure accountability, monitoring, and reporting outcomes in all its climate finance programmes.
  • Capacity training in climate risks screening tools: Provide technical assistance in training of NDAs and executing entities (EEs) and advisory services to banks and microfinance institutions including areas of support to implement the NAPAS, NAPS and revised NDCs on climate change adaptation.
  • Marketing Materials and brochures: Develop and deliver marketing and branding materials including social media handles on innovative climate financing ideation to increase the visibility of AECF in the climate space and ultimately increase awareness and impact of climate finance projects.


Areas of expertise and skills:

Carbon Markets:

  • Knowledge of carbon pricing mechanisms and trading platforms, Skills in project identification, validation, and verification, Understanding of climate change policies and regulations, Proficiency in emissions measurement and reporting, Ability to conduct cost-benefit analysis and risk assessment, Skills in planning and implementation, Experience in engaging with diverse stakeholders, Strong communication and advocacy skills, Awareness of emerging technologies in carbon finance and Understanding of sustainability principles on environmental and social safeguards.

Climate change Bankable Projects and management

  • Developing, reviewing and/or evaluating climate change mitigation or adaptation project/programme proposals, as well as implementing climate change projects/programmes in developing countries in different regions.
  • Developing, implementing, and reviewing climate projects/programmes in at least two sectors among the GCF/GEF/AF result areas, and across micro to large project sizes.
  • Implementation and oversight of environmental and social safeguards and policies, including gender policies.
  • Design and implementation of results management frameworks for the monitoring and evaluation of projects and programmes including ToC for different pathways.
  • Risk analysis of projects/programmes, particularly for the management of financial and operational risks and financial modelling.
  • Deeper understanding of impact assessment of climate mitigation, including carbon accounting, or adaptation projects/programmes.
  • Deeper understanding of financial and economic analysis on a project/programme level.
  • Deeper understanding of policies and procedures of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and keeping abreast of communications of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and other relevant processes is desirable.
  • Extensive knowledge in the design and implementation of climate information, early warning/early action and broader disaster risk reduction projects/programmes.
  • Proficient in developing and implementing robust reporting frameworks, including greenhouse gas emissions reporting, climate risk assessments, and sustainability disclosures.
  • Expertise in project identification, design, and implementation, as well as navigating the GCF funding application process.
  • Proficient in developing and implementing ESG and gender reporting frameworks, including assessing project impacts, ensuring gender equality, and promoting social inclusion.

Innovative financial instruments and projects:

  • Proficiency in developing complex financial models to assess the feasibility and impact of climate financing instruments. Examples include green bonds, blue bonds & Debt for nature swaps, guarantees and derisking tools.
  • Ability to identify and assess financial, technical, and environmental risks associated with climate finance initiatives.
  • Deeper understanding of climate change green policies, regulations, and incentives to design financing instruments that align with national and international climate goals.
  • Deeper understanding of market dynamics and trends to identify opportunities for innovative financing solutions.
  • Understanding of climate technologies and solutions to design financing instruments that support the deployment of renewable energy, energy efficiency, and other climate mitigation and adaptation measures.
  • Familiarity with legal frameworks and regulatory requirements to ensure that financing instruments comply with relevant laws and regulations.
  • Ability to engage with diverse stakeholders, including government agencies, financial institutions, private sector entities, and civil society organizations, to develop consensus and support for innovative financing mechanisms.
  • Deliver advisory services to banks, MFIs, SMEs regarding climate risks, gender inclusion, mainstreaming and transformation.
  • Deliver design thinking, sensemaking and collaborative knowledge workshops or activities to generate knowledge products from AECF’s carbon funds and climate change programmes.
  • Proficient in leveraging digital solutions to enhance climate finance mechanisms, including blockchain technology, digital platforms, and fintech innovations.
  • Creating comprehensive green taxonomies to classify climate-friendly investments, designing effective climate finance strategies, and outlining theories of change to guide impactful climate finance interventions.

Countries of experience:

  • Sub-Saharan Africa

Expected skills:

  • Applicants must demonstrate recognized technical capacity and expertise, supported by at least 7 years of relevant professional experience in an international environment, in at least one of the following technical specialties:
  1. Experience working in developing countries across Africa especially sub-Saharan Africa.
  2. Expertise developing private sector projects, instruments, implementing, and reviewing climate projects/programmes in at least two sectors among the GCF/GEF/AF result areas, and across micro to large project sizes.
  3. Experience working with international, regional, and national entities and with different financial instruments including grants, loans, equity, and guarantee.
  4. A strong educational background in fields such as environmental science, sustainability, climate change, economics, engineering, or business with a focus on circular economy principles. Advanced degrees (e.g., master’s or doctoral) in relevant disciplines are preferred.

More broadly, individuals/research firms interested to serve as international experts should demonstrate the following qualifications:

  1. Extensive operational experience in some of the AECF Fund’s result areas and UNFCCC funds and Multilaterals; Reduced emissions from; Energy access and power generation; Low emission transport; Forests and land use; Increased resilience of livelihoods of people, communities, and regions-Health and wellbeing, and food and water security; Ecosystems and ecosystem services.
  • Professional experience in the financing, development, and implementation of public and/or private sector projects in developing countries.
  • Working knowledge of the project management cycle, including origination, implementation, and activity oversight.
  • Deep understanding of policies and procedures of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and keeping abreast of communications of the IPCC, revised NDCs, NAPAs and NAPs and other relevant processes is desirable.
  • Strong, technical, analytical, report writing, and research skills (Quant + Qual) related to climate change; along with sectoral expertise in any of the following sectors: Renewable Energy, Agri-business, Blue economy, women empowerment, youth engagement, disability, and women intersectionality’s.
  • Demonstrated experience working in roles related to circular economy initiatives, such as sustainable business development, waste management, resource efficiency, or product lifecycle management. Experience in both public and private sectors, as well as with NGOs or international organizations, can be valuable.
  • Ability to contextualize and to integrate gender into programmes and intervention approaches in complex and fragile ecosystems.
  • Strong knowledge and skills in sustainable finance, impact investing, and innovative financing mechanisms is desirable.
  • Fluency in English; knowledge of French language is an asset.

Application details

The AECF is an Equal Opportunity Employer. The AECF considers all interested candidates based on merit without regard to race, gender, color, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, age, marital status, veteran status, disability, or any other characteristic protected by applicable law.

  • Interested candidates are requested to submit their CV if an individual, with clear areas of Climate finance expertise; or their company profile and short reference table if a firm; full contact information, availability, by 25th May 2024 to , 5 PM (EAT).
  • All questions should be directed to the procurement email by 5th May 2024
  • The subject of the email should be Request for Expressions of Interest for Climate Finance, Bankable Project Proposal and Carbon Market Development Experts
  • The AECF shall not be liable for not opening proposals that are submitted with a different subject or responding to questions that did not meet the deadline as indicated.


AECF reserves the right to determine the structure of the process, number of short-listed participants, the right to withdraw from the proposal process, the right to change this timetable at any time without notice and reserves the right to withdraw this tender at any time, without prior notice and without liability to compensate and/or reimburse any party.


NB: The AECF does not charge an application fee for participation in the tender process and has not appointed any agents or intermediaries to facilitate applications. Applicants are advised to reach out directly to the AECF PROCUREMENT DEPARTMENT.