WidEnergy Africa Limited

WIDENERGY is a women-led enterprise focused on the last mile distribution of energy resources in rural and peri-urban areas in Zambia.

With AECF funding, WIDENERGY has been able to scale up the distribution of its products, while upgrading their offer from pico solar products to solar home systems hence offering more capacity to households and businesses.

VITALITE Zambia Limited

Vitalite offers a wide range of products in Zambia and Malawi, from solar home systems for rural and peri-urban households, to cooking products and solar powered water pumps for agricultural purposes. The business model is built on a PAYGO system.

With AECF funding, Vitalite has been able to expand across two provinces in Zambia (Southern and Central provinces) and to provide solar home systems in these under-served markets. The investment also assisted in launching in a new market, Malawi, and establish a strong foundation through which they can provide affordable energy across all rural areas in this country.

Southcote Estates Pvt Ltd

Southcote Estates is a family owned company which is involved in the production of fingerlings and the growing out of fingerlings into pan-size fish for processing and sale onto the fresh/frozen market. They also purchase fish from fishermen on Lake Kariba which they then freeze and package for the Harare market.

The AECF is working with SouthCote Estates project to increase the production of fingerlings for sale to commercial farmers and the growing out of fingerlings in farm ponds for the fresh/frozen market.

Stewards Globe Limited

Stewards Globe Limited (SGL) markets improved seed varieties of maize and legume crops like soya bean, cowpeas, groundnuts, and beans. The company sells seeds under its “AFRISEED” brand to farmers through a network of agro dealers, Government, NGOs and cooperatives.

The AECF is working with Stewards Globe to scale up crop diversification through seed production and marketing of non-maize seed crops in Zambia including groundnuts, common beans, soya bean, sunflower and rice.